Sunday, August 31, 2014

Lancer "Cafe Rewards Debit Card" situation...

     I am a Cafe Rewards Debit Card carrier. I am in the process of "waiting" for the 'instructional email' on how to transfer any balances/points I have on the TWO cards that I have used in the past.
     The reason I am writing today is to be proactive. I already see the problem coming a mile away, and wonder how your systems 'transitional team' didn't. I have attempted to have the password reset on my Cafe Rewards account so that I can see what balances and/or points I have in my account/on these cards. The new website DOESN'T recognize me as a "Level Up" customer. Well that's because I'm technically not a Level Up user (yet). Of course all inquiries are now redirected to portal which is Level Up obsessed.
     Another reason I'm writing proactively is because I had actually sent an email earlier this summer (before the [poorly] announced switch to the new system) to have the balance of one card transferred to the other. That email was never answered.
     It would appear that Lancer is depending on technology to handle the weight all of these customer service issues, without the support of an actually person. I called (now 15 minutes ago) to get support, and was immediately offered an email with instructions. Here I am ten minutes later, waiting on an email the representative said he had to "draft".  Come on. Seriously???